Tuesday, July 20, 2010


A group of us ladies (Aqiq-Marwa Hajjah group) went to Cambodia for a holiday. It was planned a few months back - I was still reeling from the pain of my stolen SLK. But I psyched myself to enjoy the trip and enjoyed I did. It was a hilarious bunch as we teased each other while we shop till we drop. The money value is 1,000 Cambodian Riel equivalent to RM1.00, but they are more inclined to trade in USD. The main items that we bought were precious stones either set or loose which were in abundance and could be bargained from 20 - 50% discount. At the open market one can buy a pair of Levi jean for US$10, Burberry polo T-shirt for US$5, and 3 T-shirt for US$5. A funny T-shirt with the print in front in bold "SAME SAME" and at the back printed "BUT DIFFERENT" summed up the variation in pricing that you might encounter based on your bargaining capability. There are also the high-end quality goods. I found the Cambodians to be gentle, accommodating, slightly timid, and they talked in a low flat sing-song manner akin to a child's voice - most probably the result of the traumatic polpot era.

Of course the sombre part of the trip was when we toured the museum that showed the atrocities of the pol pot genocidal khmer rouge regime. During his rule of terror lasting for 3+ years he killed more than 3 million people leaving a population of 3.9 million. That worked out to approx 2 people killed per minute 24/7!!! I bought a book from a deformed man who claimed to survive the torture. It was a memoir as seen through children's eyes that speaks of their bewilderment, pain and suffering as their families were literally torn apart, brainwashed, forced-labor, tortured and executed in front of them. Just reading the synopsis made my sadness over a stolen car felt so minute in comparison. I have yet to find the courage to read the whole book.


  1. this Aqiq-Marwa Hajjah group, where do we get the membership form? :)

  2. Hehehe - no membership form. It's a group who went for Haj last year and stayed at Hotel Aqiq-Marwa. We stayed in contact and had teas and get togethers either in restaurants or our house. The cambodia trip was the first oversea holiday trip solely for the Hajjahs.
