I may not be politically involved but I am politically aware. I am not politically illiterate and I know what's going on and what's good for the country. I always believe that you have to always look at the bigger picture as politics are not about a few issues and you should not be swayed and make rash judgement based on that. The very fabric of malaysian integrity is woven within its political and racial harmony. What I could do in a small way I did. I use my voting right responsibly even its just one vote. I don't participate in what I call campus politics - University students not knowing the right channels resort to unruly demonstration, anonymous letters, unhurling banners - it's amazing that some politicians are still practising these !!
It's so easy to be anti-establishment - the easiest thing in the world is to criticise, condemn and tear everything apart after it happened. Comments that goes like - corruption rampant, public accountability zero, incoherence public policies, poor state of judiciary, legacy that tolerate political nonsense, etc. - as if nothing good had been done, as if everything is in a state of chaos, categorising and generalizing everything. You can see the glass as half empty or half full i.e. only taking the negative or both including the positive. It also reminded me of Maslow's theory of needs. My stand is simple show me the evidence of wrong doings and I will believe but not until then. Even then its only for that particular event - its not for me to generalise and equate what wrong happenned in that is also happening in others.
In my line of work with regards to procurement, tender and contract, I had my share of these innuendos. Someone told someone who then told my trustworthy friend. Am I to believe these someones who presumably said his source is reliable?!!! Hearsays regarding who are getting what project and how, biasness, cronyism, requests, top-ups, commissions. I don't conclude, label, categorise nor make judgement on hearsays. It may be correct and these things happenned as we are not living in a perfect world - so its important to trust the system - and report them. I distrust those who said they have the evidence but waiting for the right time and insisting to be believed. As I kept on saying - if you have the evidence, bring these people to court and let it be judged. Without all the information, the bigger scheme of things in its actual context, who are you to judge?