Friday, December 17, 2010

A daughter's choice

I attended the funeral of a close friend's father last week. I felt emotional, melancholic and homesick so I called my aged mum in Melaka and said yes we will balik kampung next weekend and, yes we will arrange a family gathering and add in for good measure that my son who will be coming back from Melbourne is dying to see her. In fact we will be going back from Friday morning. She was ecstatic and over the moon and I could hear her voice full of emotion and quivering with anticipation and happiness. She counted loudly that she will have us for 3 whole days.

Then Katherine of ISM reminded me that I was to represent ISM as one of the panellists in the IEM forum on Project Management to be held on the same Saturday. OH NO!! I was still pondering over what to do when I received another email from her informing that the forum is postponed. I was relieved as I don't have to choose but she continued and reminded me that I now can attend the  ISM Extraordinary General Meeting to amend ISM Constitution and Byelaw also to be held on that Saturday. OH NO again - why oh why did I not put in all these events in my head, my diary and the i-phone. I cursed myself for being an idiot. And to top that when I met the ISM President, he requested that I accompanied him together with the Deputy President and Dato Mukhriz Mahathir on the stage prior to the EGM.

I hesistated on the choice of mum or ISM!!!. I mean I could attend ISM event and postpone the balik kampung the next week. I'm still going back but not this week. And furthermore half of my siblings can't make it for the family gathering so maybe if we postpone it to next week........... I am still being a dutiful and devoted daughter, am I not? My mum would understand, wouldn't she? I called my husband and he said "You promised her". I still hesitated - Yes I did but .............

I woke up early this morning and I noticed an eyelash on my cheek. Malays belief that it meant someone is missing you. At that moment I knew what I should do.


  1. if am thinking it right....think you have made the right choice.

  2. EGM comes and goes and.....comes again!! Mum only once.CONGRATULATIONS!!

  3. Put your mum first.....LEBIH BERKAT

  4. I'm glad I did what I did. It felt right.
