Coming back to Malaysia, I was down with flu and had coughing fits. I cut short my stay in London to be back in time for ISM 50th anniversary dinner and my niece's "sambut menantu" ceremony. However to my utter disappointment the dinner was postponed on the advice of the police due to the meaningless planned show of demonstration by groups of disatisfied hooligans - calling for the so-called "Bersih" rally. They had their window of opportunity to forward their memorandum when they had an audiance with the Agung but they choose to resort to illegal street demonstration and disrupting people's lifes in their arrogant show of defiance. This is the leadership with Pak Pandir mentality of "menang sorak kampong tergadai". The leaders of the pack are still stuck in immature "campus politics" in their pursuit for attention with one main objective of trying to put the nation in chaos, which at the end of the day they fail miserably. They have the audicity to inform foreign press that it was a success and the guts to make further demands on the government.
What makes my heart aches is seeing my fellow Malays berpecah belah - how vulnerable are we? The fate of the Malays lies in the hands of these 3 leaders - unfortunately all of them have different ideologies and approaches -Transformation, Islamic, and ...... (I don't have any vocab for Annuar's approach). All three somehow have some baggage - one is the wife, the other is a holier than thou attitude, and the another is a pompous self-centred liar. I wish I have the power and miracle to knock some sense in these three so that they could work together. It needs divine intervention.